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  Call Now 1-646-358-3492 March 25, 2025  
Just In: Latest 37 gemstones, Finest gemstones ( 23 ), Featured ( 8 ), Promotions ( 78 ) Gemstone sets ( 68 )
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Trending: Color Change Garnets, Colorless gems, Emeralds, Tahitian Pearls, Zircons
Phenomenal: Bi-color gemstones, Color change gems, Cat's eyes, Star stones
Popular: Alexandrite, Diamond, Garnet, Opal, Spinel, Sapphire, Pearls, Tourmaline, Tanzanite, Tsavorite
Clearence Sale: Up to 90% off colored gemstones and pearls
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Spotlights On
Turquoise  Oval Opaque
Size: 31.50 X 23.10 MM
Weight: 89.840 CTS
Shape: Oval
Clarity: Opaque
Usually ships within 24 hours
20 % OFF, YOU SAVE 21.60 USD
USD 86.40
Add to Shopping Cart Save For Later
Featured this week
Ruby  Cushion Slightly included
Size: 9.72 X 6.82 MM
Weight: 2.560 CTS
Shape: Cushion
Clarity: Slightly included
Usually ships within 24 hours
USD 2560.00
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Browse categories: [ 8 ] – categories
Calibrated [1043] Carving [26/3]
Closeout [320] Jewelry [4]
Mixed Lot [430/2] Pair [1060/14]
Rough [32] Single [9324/18]

Browse gemstone sets: [ 68 ]total items
Ruby  Marquise Eye clean to Slightly included
Total Weight: 3.200 CTS
Shape: Marquise
Clarity: Eye clean to Slightly included
Usually ships within 24 hours

USD 230.40

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Tourmaline  Fancy Translucent
Total Weight: 23.180 CTS
Shape: Fancy
Clarity: Translucent
Usually ships within 24 hours

USD 292.07

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Freshwater Pearl
Freshwater Pearl  Fancy N/A
Total Weight: 57.590 CTS
Shape: Fancy
Clarity: N/A
Usually ships within 24 hours

USD 750.00

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Browse gemstones varieties: [ 12239 ]total items, 37new items
Afghanite [16] Lapis [11]
Agate [4] Malaia Garnet [563 / 5 ]
Akoya Pearl [4] Mali Garnet [68]
Alexandrite [401 / 7 ] Mawsitsit [625]
Amber [24] Meteorite [2]
Amblygonite [6] Moonstone [40]
Amethyst [429 / 1 ] Morganite [136]
Ametrine [21] Musgravite [1]
Anatase [5] Opal [28]
Andalusite [18] Painite [1]
Apatite [19] Pargasite [6]
Aquamarine [937 / 3 ] Parisite [11]
Beryl [127] Peridot [55]
Chalcedony [49] Petalite [15]
Chondrodite [66] Pezzottaite [6]
Chrome Tourmaline [214] Phenakite [1]
Chrysoberyl [345] Pollucite [5]
Chrysoberyl Cats Eye [4] Poudretteite [2]
Chrysoprase [41] Prehnite [4]
Citrine [89] Quartz [1 / 1 ]
Color Change Garnet [250] Rhodizite [5]
Color Change Sapphire [6] Rhodochrosite [2]
Danburite [477] Rhodolite [303]
Demantoid [7] Rose Quartz [13]
Diamond [41] Rubelite [1]
Diaspore [26] Ruby [329]
Dinosaur Bone [79] Sapphire [2266]
Diopside [3] Sapphirine [1]
Edenite [1] Scapolite [24]
Emerald [134] Scheelite [2]
Enstatite [21] Serendibite [17]
Epidote [7] Sillimanite [10]
Fire Agate [22] South Sea Pearl [46]
Fluorite [5] Spessartite [176]
Freshwater Pearl [108 / 2 ] Sphalerite [16]
Goshenite [6] Sphene [166]
Grandidierite [102] Spinel [644]
Grossularite [6] Star Sapphire [9]
Hambergite [23] Stibiotantalite [6]
Hauyne [5] Taaffeite [14]
Hemimorphite [5] Tahitian Pearl [13]
Herderite [11] Tanzanite [499]
Hessonite [6] Topaz [167]
Idocrase [21] Tourmaline [502 / 8 ]
Iolite [53 / 2 ] Triplite [10]
Jadeite [17 / 8 ] Tsavorite [721]
Jeremejevite [5] Turquoise [68]
Kornerupine [14] Vayrynenite [3]
Kunzite [13] Zircon [332]
Featured Article

David Wein Fine Jewelry Store

David Wein Fine Jewelry Store
David Wein is an online fine jewelry store associated with Multicolour Gems. After more than 30 years of buying, cutting, trading, and collecting gemstones, we decided to expand our range and set some of our top stones into jewelry.

With a commitment to quality and a focus on detail, our mission has been to create a variety of original and classical styles that reflect our strengths and accessibility to a broad range of colored and color changing stones from Africa and Brazil.

And, for customers that wish to create their own design -yes we can, and you can select your own center stone. Just send us an email or give us a call. All of our pieces are manufactured here in Bangkok under our strict supervision and quality control.

Alexandrite Gemstone Collectors Guide, The

Alexandrite Gemstone Collectors Guide The alexandrite gemstone buyer and collectors guide contains comprehensive information on the features and background of the alexandrite.

Many key aspects of alexandrite gemstone are discussed throughout this guide, from the history which affected the stone´s name to the color changing phenomena and its role in the gemstone´s value.

Readers can also learn the differences between natural and synthetic alexandrite, as well as find the answers for many common questions regarding alexandrite identification.

Madagascar Multicolor Gemstones Guide

Madagascar Report Madagascar is the fifth largest island in the world. It measures 1,580 km from north to south, 450-580 km from east to west, and has a total area of 587,000 km

Madagascar is an extraordinary country – vibrant, exciting, frightening and fun, all at once.

Madagascar is home to some of the world´s richest untapped seams of pink sapphires, and as regular visitors will know, pink sapphires are among the hottest coloured gemstones to hit the market in recent years...

David Weinberg Giant red spinel crystal discovered in East Africa
by David Weinberg
  Mined at depth of 10 meters in a farmer´s field in Mahenge, Tanzania, the pyramid shaped crystal weighing over 52kgs was discovered by a group of miners in the alluvial deposit.
Rare gem triplite specimen discovered in Tucson
by David Weinberg
  Sharp mineral dealer discovers extremely rare mineral specimen being used as a paper weight at the Tucson show. The 150 gram rock turned out to be triplite, an extremely rare mineral found sparingly at a few localities throughout the world
Giant size top color clean tsavorite discovered in East Africa
by David Weinberg
  Weighing in at 325.14 carats, this extraordinary tsavorite is one of the largest most valuable gems ever to be discovered in East Africa.
Gemstones Buying Guide, the 4 c´s and more
by David Weinberg
  Understanding the value of colored stones is vital to a successful purchase, but grading and valuation is not that easy. Indeed, it is a far more subjective process than grading diamonds.
Describing Color in Gemstones, Color Communication.
by David Weinberg
  People perceive color differently and their impressions are probably created from the time they receive their first set of crayons. Our verbalization of color is based on the GIA/Munsell color grading system....
Gemstones Clarity.
by David Weinberg
  After color, the most important factor affecting the value of colored gemstones is clarity - a gemstone?s relative freedom from inclusions and surface blemishes. Inclusions can affect both appearance and durability...
Gems and Astrology
  As early 1400 B.C., people of many cultures have endowed gemstones with magical properties, believing that certain minerals contained unique powers.

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Finest gems/
Sapphire Single
From our finest gemstones collection
Sapphire Single Oval Eye clean to Slightly included
Size: 11.10 X 9.00 MM
Weight: 6.660 CTS
Shape: Oval
Clarity: Eye clean to Slightly included
Usually ships within 24 hours
USD 7769.00

Deal of the Day/
Danburite Single
limited time offer, ref# XDN514af
Danburite Single Pear Eye clean
Size: 14.30 X 8.70 MM
Weight: 4.020 CTS
Shape: Pear
Clarity: Eye clean
Usually ships within 24 hours
10 % OFF, YOU SAVE 6.83 USD
USD 61.51

Today’s Trade/
Best Selling Gems:
Sapphire Sapphire
1706 Sapphire ’s available
Browse gems | Learn More
Spinel Spinel
460 Spinel ’s available
Browse gems | Learn More
Alexandrite Alexandrite
295 Alexandrite ’s available
Browse gems | Learn More
Tanzanite Tanzanite
453 Tanzanite ’s available
Browse gems | Learn More
Zircon Zircon
234 Zircon ’s available
Browse gems | Learn More
Gemstone Variety: Hits Index
Going Up Amber +42146 +0.7%
average price USD 183.13 per item
Going Down Sapphire -23546 -0.8%
average price USD 399.38 per item
Going Down Parisite -2397 -0.3%
average price USD 122.67 per item
Going Down Anatase -42173 -5.1%
average price USD 221.50 per item
Going Up Alexandrite +2668 +0.3%
average price USD 2002.94 per item
See more real time gem reports.
Exchange rates to USD
Canada Dollars 1.434
Euro 0.924
United Kingdom Pounds 0.773
Japan Yen 149.806
Switch our prices in your home currency.

Gem Library /
Gems Legend and  Lore This month birthstone: Aquamarine
More from the Gem Library about Birthstones.
Aries Aries
March 21 – April 19
Cardinal sign. Born to be a Leader. Your zodiac stone...more

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