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Home / Gem Library / Gemstones Varieties / Hessonite March 25, 2025

Natural Hessonite

Hessonite, also known as cinnamon stone or cinnamon garnet, is the most common variety of grossularite. The name comes from the Greek hesson, meaning inferior which is an allusion to the lower hardness and density compared to most other garnet species. With a refractive index of 1.742 to 1.748, and an SG of 3.65 both values are lower than the respective properties in other garnets.

  • There are 6 Hessonite gemstones available at
  • Hessonite(s) are organized in the following categories: CalibratedSingle,  gemstones.
  • Our most expensive Hessonite is USD 97.20 and largest Hessonite weight is CTS 4.86.
  • Our cheapest Hessonite is USD 0.28 and smallest Hessonite weight is CTS 0.76.

Find your Hessonite

Our Hessonite(s) are available in various shapes, sizes and colors. 6 Hessonite(s), too many to look through? You may select any combination of search options. Colors grade into each other and you can search for more than one color at once. For a better selection, try selecting two or three colors, -- your first choice plus the two closest colors.

Color range
yellowish orange
orangy yellow

Hessonite Profile

Color information: Brownish-orange, brownish yellow, aurora red
Refractive Index: 1.72-1.74
Chemical Composition: Ca3Al2(SIO4)3
Hardness: 7.25
Density: 3.65
Crystal Group: Cubic
Ocurrence: Sri Lanka, Mexico, Brazil, Canada, Madagascar
Sign of the Zodiac: N/A
Month of the year: N/A
Hessonite Hessonite
Hessonite garnet is an orange, brown, or yellowish variety of grossularite. It is common in the gem gravels of Sri Lanka and Madagascar. Some hessonite is also found in Brazil, Canada, and Mexico and East Africa but Sri Lanka is notably the most important source for hessonites. From a gemological perspective the peculiar and unique treacle type inclusions give the stone´s interior an oily or even glasslike appearance that is a distinctive and easy to recognize.

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Hessonite range/
Hessonite Single
Hessonite Single Oval Heavily included
Size: 11.00 X 8.00 MM
Weight: 4.860 CTS
Shape: Oval
Clarity: Heavily included
Usually ships within 24 hours
USD 97.20
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Hessonite Calibrated
Hessonite Calibrated Round Translucent
Size: 5.50 X 5.50 MM
Weight: 0.980 CTS
Shape: Round
Clarity: Translucent
Usually ships within 24 hours
USD 0.28
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