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Home / Gem Library / Gemstones Varieties / Turquoise March 25, 2025

Natural Turquoise

Turquoise is a gemstone that has captivated people’s attention and desires for much of humanity’s existence. From the vast assortments offered at gem and jewelry shows, we might conclude that it is a plentiful mineral. Yet this is hardly the case, and natural untreated gem-quality Turquoise is quite rare. It is the end product of a chain of chemical and physical processes that could only evolve under specific conditions spanning thousands or millions of years. The finest grades are elusive and have been prized, collected, and worn since prehistory. Most of what is available today is treated in some manner and often misrepresented.

The purest Turquoise approaches a hardness of 6 on Moh's scale and is slightly harder than glass. Although triclinic in terms of crystallography, it is a cryptocrystalline mineral that usually forms as veins or fracture fillings that may be nodular, botryoidal, or irregular. Its physical properties like density and hardness vary because of inconsistencies in chemistry and composition.

The gem's name comes from the French expressions Pierre tour ques or “Turkish stone". The name, which originated in the thirteenth century, reflects the fact that the material probably first arrived in Europe from Turkish sources. The gem turquoise owes its beauty almost entirely to its superb color. It has been used for ornamentation since 3000BC and possibly before.

  • There are 68 Turquoise gemstones available at
  • Turquoise(s) are organized in the following categories: CloseoutPairSingle,  gemstones.
  • Our most expensive Turquoise is USD 358.00 and largest Turquoise weight is CTS 198.76.
  • Our cheapest Turquoise is USD 15.20 and smallest Turquoise weight is CTS 8.04.

Find your Turquoise

Our Turquoise(s) are available in various shapes, sizes and colors. 68 Turquoise(s), too many to look through? You may select any combination of search options. Colors grade into each other and you can search for more than one color at once. For a better selection, try selecting two or three colors, -- your first choice plus the two closest colors.

Shape Length (mm) Width (mm)
Category Weight (cts) Price (USD)
Color range
very strongly greenish blue
bluish green
very slightly greenish blue
very strongly bluish green
greenish blue
green-blue or blue-green

Turquoise Profile

Color information: Blue, Greenish Blue
Refractive Index: 1.62
Chemical Composition: CuAl6(PO4)4(OH)85H2O
Hardness: 5.5-6
Density: 2.60- 2.90
Crystal Group: Triclinic
Ocurrence: Iran; Arizona, USA; India; Tibet; China; Eygpt; Chile; Russia; Australia.
Sign of the Zodiac: N/A
Month of the year: N/A
Turquoise Turquoise Turquoise
Turquoise can be translucent or opaque with a color that usually ranges from light medium blue to greenish blue. It is often mottled and sometimes contains dark splotches or veins of black matrix running through it. In the case of spiderweb turquoise, fine seams of matrix form distinctive web like patterns. Although matrix may be desirable and attractive, the most valuable turquoise is considered to be an even medium blue, with no matrix at all. The best color is known in the trade as "robins egg" blue. The most important market for turquoise is the American Southwest where it is commonly set in silver as the focal point in many of the Native American designs.

Because turquoise is frequently too chalky or unstable and full of holes and cracks, it is often treated with dye or stabalized with plastic.

Turquoise supposedly helps one to start new projects. Turquoise has been thought to warn the wearer of danger or illness by changing color. In the 13th century, Turquoise was thought to protect the wearer from falling especially from horses. Legend has it that the Indians believed that if turquoise was affixed to a bow, the arrows shot from it would always hit their mark. It was also believed to bring happiness and good fortune to all.

The latest proprietary turquoise treatment is commonly known in the trade as "enhanced turquoise or Zachery treated". The treatment has been used to enhance millions of carats of Turquoise for the last decade. Standard gemological techniques cannot detect it. The primary treatment involves the dissolution of quartz in an ethanol mix to be impregnated into the Turquoise and mimics a naturally occurring process that results in the turquoise being silicified or silicated.

Tests show that this process effectively improves a stone's ability to take a good polish and may or may not improve a stone's color. It also decreases the material's porosity, limiting its tendency to absorb discoloring agents such as skin oils. Examination of numerous samples known to be treated by this process revealed that Zachery-treated turquoise has gemological properties similar to those of untreated natural Turquoise and that the treatment does not involve impregnation with a polymer. Most Zachery-treated Turquoise can be identified only through chemical analysis and most efficiently by EDXRF spectroscopy. It contains significantly more potassium than its untreated counterparts, which will appear in the spectra.

The key advantages of this treatment are that the treated stones take a better polish and are more resistant to "oxidation" or discoloration over time, apparently due to a significant decrease in their porosity.

When turquoise cabs intended for use in the Native American jewelry trade are cut, they are almost always sawed thinly and then backed using some type of epoxy. An epoxy backing can be applied to give a thin stone both height and strength, along with a flat bottom for convenient use in a bezel setting. Backing turquoise is generally an American concept that started in the 1950s for a number of reasons.

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Turquoise range/
Turquoise Single
Turquoise Single Fancy Opaque
Size: 65.30 X 52.50 MM
Weight: 198.760 CTS
Shape: Fancy
Clarity: Opaque
Usually ships within 24 hours
USD 358.00
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Turquoise Single
Turquoise Single Oval Opaque
Size: 16.20 X 11.00 MM
Weight: 8.040 CTS
Shape: Oval
Clarity: Opaque
Usually ships within 24 hours
USD 15.20
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