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 Home / Columns / Madagascar Multicolor Gems Guide March 26, 2025  

Madagascar Multicolor Gems Guide
> Mines, Mosquitoes and Multicolour
by David Weinberg
Madagascar is an extraordinary country – vibrant, exciting, frightening and fun, all at once. And there are gemstones, everywhere!
> Dark Continent
by Gill Baker
Here at, one very extraordinary man is the linchpin in a fascinating story which links you, our beautiful stones and the magical, mysterious dark continent of Africa.
> Sapphires from Madagascar
by Uli Rauss
This story begins about one year ago in Ilakaka, a romantic place on an Island in the Southwest of the Indian Ocean.
> Madagascar Mining Locations
by Werner Spaltenstein and Janna Semenova
Ilakaka is located more than 150 miles east of Tulear. The road from Tulear is paved and in excellent condition.

Madagascar Multicolour Gems Guide

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