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 Home / Help / Ordering / Payment Options March 26, 2025  

Ordering Guide

Payment methods accepted by

At we offer various payment options for your order. When ordering via Online Order Checkout you can select any of the payment options below.

  • Paying by Credit Card on-line

    We accept Visa, MasterCard/EuroCard and American Express cards. You can safely enter your entire credit card number via our secure server, which encrypts all submitted information.


    To provide you with an additional layer of security, all credit card numbers are stored on a separate encrypted database. After you type it in, your complete credit card number is transferred to this secure database across a proprietary one-way interface. This database is not accessible by any of employees or administrators, and the credit card number is not stored anywhere else.

    Additionally, you always can indicate, that you don’t want to save your card on file, by unmarking the appropriate option box in the credit card form and the credit card will be not saved.

  • Paying by Credit Card by FAX

    You can choose to pay by credit card without sending us your credit card information online. If you prefer this option, you can fax a copy of the Order Confirmation which we will send you with your credit/debit card details to + 66-2 236-5274.

    Fax submissions can be processed from Monday to Friday, in business hours, excluding public holidays and your order will be shipped as soon as we authorize your card.

  • Paying by Money Order or Cheque

    Once you have fully submitted your order, you can send payment to the address below. Please be sure to write your e-mail address on the cheque or money order so we may properly credit your account. Please make cheques payable to David Weinberg and send it to:

    Multicolour Gems
    No. 59 Soi Pradit
    Silom Soi 20
    Bangkok 10500

  • Paying by Telegraphic (Wire) Transfer

    Once you have fully submitted your order, you can send payment to the account below and your order will be shipped as soon as funds will be credited to our account at:

    Bank Name: HSBC BANK
    Swift Code: HSBCHKHHHKH
    A/C name: David Wein Limited
    A/C#: 848055273838

    Beneficiary Address

    David Wein Ltd.
    Suites 1601-1603, Kinwick Centre
    32 Hollywood Rd, Central
    Hong Kong.

  • Paying by Gift Certificate or Money-Off Coupon

    If you have received a Gift Certificate or Money-Off Coupon, congratulations as you can now save even more through shopping with us!

    To use the Gift Certificate or Money-Off Coupon simply type the code at the Shopping Cart into the field under the items list and click "UPDATE CART" to recalculate the total.

    • If your Gift Certificate or Money-Off Coupon covers the cost of your order, we will place the balance in your account
    • If your order exceeds the value of your Gift Certificate or Money-Off Coupon, you will be given the opportunity to provide a credit card number to pay for the balance, to redeem another Gift Certificate/Money-Off Coupon, or to change your order
    • To redeem more than one Gift Certificate or Money-Off Coupon — enter more than one code and use commas between each.


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  • Please note this
    We accept all major currencies but the amount charged may vary slightly due to currency fluctuations. Your Credit Card will be billed (appears on your statement) by MULTI COLOUR GEMS in USD.
  • We don’t accept
    Western Union Money Transfer, C.O.D, Purchase Order, Cash in Envelope, Paypal and Escrow for transactions below 10.000 USD
  • On-line order processing only accepts orders that are processed on-line regardless of the payment method you choose. Please complete the on-line order checkout before sending us any payments.
  • Funds Clearance
    Paying by cheque does slow down your order, as we don’t ship the items to you until your funds clear. Paying by personal cheque typically delays your order two to three weeks. Wire transfer usually take between 3 to 7 days to clear. Credit card on-line only take 1-2 minutes to authorize.
  • Promotions and Gift Certificates
    To redeem your Promotion code or Gift Certificate simply type received code at the shopping cart code into the field under the items list and click "UPDATE CART" to recalculate the totals.

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