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 Home / Help / Policies / Security Statement March 25, 2025  Policies Security Statement

At, complete security for customer transactions is our primary concern. We want you to have as much faith in the security of your transactions as you do in our products and services.

  • Overview

    This document (Security Statement) has been formulated with the following goal in mind:

    To ensure security, reliability and integrity of Mutlcolour Gems's (MULTICOLOUR.COM) systems and network, the systems and network of Mutlcolour Gems's Clients and the network and system of others and to avoid situations that may cause Mutlcolour Gems to incur civil liability

    Finally, please note that this policy applies only to Multicolour Gems and Web sites that carry the Multicolour Gems brand, and not to other companies or organisation's web sites to which we are linked to. We have clearly marked Multicolour Gems and these branded Web sites with our logo so you know where this policy applies.

  • Definitions

    "Client": The trader being a company, partnership, sole trader or other organisation or any individual, which undertakes to accept Multicolour Gems Services.

    "Partner", "Affiliate": A third-party organisation that provides Internet development, hosting and/or Internet access services and/or other services to the Multicolour Gems and/or Client.

    "Services", "Products": rough and faceted gem stones, carved stones, jewelry, equipment, newsletters other gem stone industry related fields.

  • Website and on-line security is secured using a 256-bit SSL Certificate. This ensures that in certain areas we use industry-standard SSL-encryption to protect data transmissions via the World Wide Web. If any other internet user intercepts the communication he/she will only be able to see it in an encrypted (garbled) form. Certificate technology allows us to decrypt the information, and view it in plain text form.

    To view certificate status click the logo on the right hand side. To learn more about Secure Sockets Layer ( SSL ), follow this link :

    The most popular browsers offer the ability to receive an alert or notification if you change between secure and unsecured transmission modes, or if you receive an invalid site identification notice from a site to which you are about to send a message over an "open" or unsecured connection.

    Check the settings of your browser security features to see all the options that are available and those that are currently selected. The presence of security measures surrounding the entry of data on a web page is identified in two ways on your browser:

    The URL identifying the page will always begin with "https://" versus the normal "http://"

    A security symbol to indicate operation in a mode that supports secure transmissions:

    • Microsoft Internet Explorer displays a "closed lock" icon present in the bottom right-hand corner of your browser screen
    • Netscape Navigator displays an "unbroken key" icon in the lower left-hand corner of your browser screen

    The secure system requires a security-enabled browser such as Microsoft Internet Explorer version 2.1 or higher, or Netscape Navigator version 2.0 or higher.

  • Alternative Peace of Mind

    In addition to your browser internet security features, has incorporated its own series of measures designed to provide enhanced protection.

    • Off-line Issue
      While we use SSL encryption to protect sensitive information online, we also do everything in our power to protect user-information off-line. All of our user information, not just the sensitive information mentioned above, is restricted in our offices. Only employees who need the information to perform a specific job (for example, our billing clerk or a customer service representative) are granted access to personally identifiable information.

      Furthermore, all employees are kept up-to-date on our security and privacy practices. Every quarter, as well as any time new policies are added, our employees are notified and/or reminded about the importance we place on privacy, and what they can do to ensure our customers information is protected.

      Finally, the servers that we store personally identifiable information on are kept in a secure environment, behind a locked cage.
    • Your Password
      Choose a password that is at least six characters long. In general, a good password will have a mix of lower- and upper-case characters, numbers, and should be at least 6 characters long. Unfortunately, passwords like this are often hard to remember and result in people writing them down. Do not write your passwords down! Here are some of the types of passwords that will be picked up by crackers:

      Words from any dictionary, Your user name, Your real name, Your spouse's name, Abbreviations, Asteroids, Biology, Cartoons, Character Patterns, Machine names, famous names, female names, Bible, male names, Movies, Myths-legends, Number Patterns, Short Phrases, Places, Science Fiction, Shakespeare, Songs, Sports, Surnames
    • PGP (Pretty Good Privacy)
      PGP is the world's defacto standard for email encryption and authentication, with over 6 million users. It is available for non-commercial use only and can be downloaded at:

      Remember, that in order to communicate, the Public keys must be exchanged. You may get copy of our Public key by writing to

  • Email Confirmation

    We will send you automatic email confirmation of your order. This is your assurance that we have received your transaction.

  • Paying by Fax or Phone

    You always have a choice to order by telephone or fax. Call us at (662) 233-2108, 233-3821 or fax us at (662) 236-5274, 236-4510. No matter how you place your order with us, we are committed to ensuring you have a rewarding and secure shopping experience with

  • Limiting Employee Access

    All Multicolour Gems ( employees are educated about the importance of security and confidentiality. Only those employees having a business reason for knowing such information have access to personally identifiable and sensitive information.

  • Credit Card Assurance

    Shopping with us is safe, but if you are unlucky enough to experience fraud, Multicolour Gems will reimburse any loss you suffer up to the USD 50 maximum under your credit card company's liability limits. You must, of course, report any fraudulent use of your card to your credit card company in accordance with its reporting rules and procedures. Most companies will either cover all of the fraudulent purchases or hold you liable for a maximum of USD50.

    Should your credit card company discover credit card fraud and hold you liable for some portion of the unauthorized charges, there is no need to worry. Provided the purchase was made through our secure server, Multicolour Gems will reimburse you for the maximum liability of USD50.


Document Last Revised on : May 05, 2009. 13:39:37 Send questions to:

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