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Multicolour Gems Library

At, it’s our goal to help you learn about color gemstones, so you can make the best choice. Learn what gives a sapphire its deep blue color, why clear rubies are so rare, where we get our gems from, and much more.

Featured Article

Gemstone Enhancement
by Jul Netco and David Weinberg
Gemstone EnhancementMost natural coloured gemstones are treated or enhanced to intensify the colour, diminish imperfections or improve durability.

Commonly used and accepted treatments for different types of coloured stone are: Oiling, Heating (also known as a "Burning") and Diffusion.

For example: many corundums have been heated to enhance the color and this treatment is generally excepted in the trade.

David Gems Buying Guide: Part I
by David Weinberg
Understanding the value of colored stones is vital to a successful purchase, but grading and valuation is not that easy.
Werner Dark Continent
by Gill Baker
Here at, one very extraordinary man is the linchpin in a fascinating story which links you, our beautiful stones and the magical, mysterious dark continent of Africa.
Illaka Sapphires from Madagascar
by Uli Rauss
This story begins about one year ago in Ilakaka, a romantic place on an Island in the Southwest of the Indian Ocean.

Gem by Gem
Afghanite Agate
Akoya Pearl Alexandrite
Amber Amblygonite
Amethyst Ametrine
Anatase Andalusite
Apatite Aquamarine
Beryl Chalcedony
Chondrodite Chrome Tourmaline
Chrysoberyl Chrysoberyl Cats Eye
Chrysoprase Citrine
Color Change Garnet Color Change Sapphire
Danburite Demantoid
Diamond Diaspore
Dinosaur Bone Diopside
Edenite Emerald
Enstatite Epidote
Fire Agate Fluorite
Freshwater Pearl Goshenite
Grandidierite Grossularite
Hambergite Hauyne
Hemimorphite Herderite
Hessonite Idocrase
Iolite Jadeite
Jeremejevite Kornerupine
Kunzite Lapis
Malaia Garnet Mali Garnet
Mawsitsit Meteorite
Moonstone Morganite
Musgravite Opal
Painite Pargasite
Parisite Peridot
Petalite Pezzottaite
Phenakite Pollucite
Poudretteite Prehnite
Quartz Rhodizite
Rhodochrosite Rhodolite
Rose Quartz Rubelite
Ruby Sapphire
Sapphirine Scapolite
Scheelite Serendibite
Sillimanite South Sea Pearl
Spessartite Sphalerite
Sphene Spinel
Star Sapphire Stibiotantalite
Taaffeite Tahitian Pearl
Tanzanite Topaz
Tourmaline Triplite
Tsavorite Turquoise
Vayrynenite Zircon

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Gem Library/
Gems Legend and  Lore Gems Legend and Lore
Some of the latest of ways that gems have been associated with Birthstones and Signs of the Zodiac.
Understanding Gemstones Understanding Gemstones
Learn about Physical and Optical properties, color, clarity and cut of gemstones.
Gems Glossary Gems Glossary
Ever wonder what are "Blemish", "Luster", "Saturation" "Uniformity" or "Mine Run" means?
Reference and  Links Reference and Links
Recommended books and links to Gem, Jewelry&Mineral Magazines, Gem Institutes and Labs.

Book’s Corner/
Buy at DK Handbooks: Gemstones by Cally Hall and Harry Taylor
Price: USD 15.16
"Very good reference book to gems, stones and bones used in jewelry and ornamentations. Easy to use and read..."
see more recommendations

Gem Facts/
  • The name crystal is derived from the Greek word Krystallos which came from the Latin word Kryos meaning icy cold. The ancients believed that crystals formed from water which froze so hard that it would never melt.
  • Ancient Vikings are known to have tested Emeralds by smashing them with a hammer. One can only wonder how many rare and beautiful Emeralds were destroyed by this ignorance.
  • The toughest gemstone is actually Jadeite or Jade. Early tools and hammers have been found which were formed from this gem mineral.

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Gemstones for sale: Alexandrite, Garnet, Diamond, Opal, Spinel, Sapphire, Tourmaline, Tanzanite, Tsavorite,
Gemstones by Category: Calibrated, Carving, Closeout, Jewelry, Mixed Lot, Pair, Rough, Single, Best Sellers or Featured Gemstones.
Gemstone education: Colored Gemstones Guide, Gems Library, Gemstone Treatments, Gemstone Glossary, Gems and Astrology,

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