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Book Corner

See books recomendations below.

Ruby & Sapphire by Richard W. Hughes
Hardcover, 512 pages, Dimensions (in inches): 8.5 x 11 inches, Over 350 full-color illustrations, Over 2400 references
Click here to buy it directly from Richard. ( Yes, he will sign it for you. )
Ruby & Sapphire by Richard W. Hughes Price: USD 98.00

RUBY & SAPPHIRE by Richard W. Hughes is one of the finest books ever published on precious stones. It contains a wealth of information, including prices, quality analysis, sources, history, treatments and identification. This book is suitable for libraries, museums, auction houses, jewelers, gemologists, collectors, manufacturers, gem traders, miners, geologists, consumers – in short, anyone with an interest in precious stones.

DK Handbooks: Gemstones by Cally Hall and Harry Taylor
Paperback, 160 pages Flexi edition (March 1994), Dimensions (in inches): 0.56 x 8.52 x 5.93
DK Handbooks: Gemstones by Cally Hall, Harry Taylor Price: USD 15.16

Over 130 gemstones are depicted with description, occurrence, composition, crystal structure, luster, and other details. Very good reference book to gems, stones and bones used in jewelry and ornamentations. Easy to use and read.

Gemology by Cornelius S. Hurlbut, Robert C. Kammerling
Hardcover, 352 pages 2nd edition (January 1991), Dimensions (in inches): 0.94 x 9.54 x 7.79
Gemology by Cornelius S. Hurlbut, Robert C. Kammerling Price: USD 175.00

This book is an excellent source of information for people interested in the field of gemmology. We have found that the contents covers a wide range of topics and presented in an easily understood format. It is a concise and well-illustrated book which makes it ideal as a reference book.

Dictionary of Gems and Gemology by Mohsen Manutchehr-Danai
Hardcover, 565 pages (January 15, 2000)
Dictionary of Gems and Gemology by Mohsen Manutchehr-Danai Price: USD 165.00

A dictionary with over 16,000 entries pertaining to gems and gemology, containing comprehensive definitions, with diagrams and figures. Combines all of the information usually listed in separate references to create a complete and functional lexicon.

Gems in Myth Legend and Lore by Bruce G. Knuth
Library Binding, 310 pages 1ST edition (June 1, 1999)
Gems in Myth Legend and Lore by Bruce G. Knuth Price: USD 55.95

Full of gemstone lore that will dazzle, and impress. Great selling tool for anyone in the jewelry or gem trade. Gems in Myth, Legend, and Lore by Bruce Knuth was selected as one of three national finalists for the 2000 Benjamin Franklin Award for the New Age (metaphysical, spiritual) category. The Benjamin Franklin Awards are sponsored by the Publisher's Marketing Association, and celebrate excellence in editorial and design content for titles published in 1999.

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Gems Glossary Gems Glossary
Ever wonder what are "Blemish", "Luster", "Saturation" "Uniformity" or "Mine Run" means?
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Buy at Ruby & Sapphire by Richard W. Hughes
Price: USD 98.00
"This book is surely the best study ever done on the exotic subject of rubies and sapphires..."
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