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 Home / Help / Searching & Browsing / March 25, 2025  

Search Help

Searching and Browsing stocks thousands of items and we have developed a quick and easy method for you to be able to locate the gems you’re looking for.

  • Fast Search

    Fast search can be found on the top right side of almost every page on the site. To perform a search, you need to enter words (keywords) or lot numbers separated by spaces. For example, if you enter [sapphire pink madagascar] – the search will return all the records which include these words.

    • Single Keyword Search
      Enter any single keyword to start a search of the site, this will identify all products relating to the keyword. For example, if you type in the word "sapphire", it will locate not only Blue Sapphire but also all other sapphires (pink, white, etc).
    • Multiple Keyword Search
      Typing multiple words will start a number of different searches. Firstly it will search for the exact phrase that has been input. If the exact words are found in their specified order, the search will end and the results displayed. For example, "russian alexandrite" will only return matches on Alexandrite from Russia.
      If the search found no matches then a second search will commence which looks for the words input in ANY order. If ALL words exist SOMEWHERE in the item description, the search will end and the results displayed.
    • Item Reference or Lot Number Search
      If you know the item reference number you are looking for, then you can enter this number or multiply numbers separated by spaces (e.g "EM142 yax128ak") and click the "SEARCH" button to return pages containing information about this record(s).

  • Advance ( smart ) Search

    Smart Search can be accessed by clicking the "SMART SEARCH" button in the top navigation bar on every page in our site. To perform search, you will need to select at least one option. You may also specify as many options as you want to make your search more specific.

    In addition to the gem search options you may specify:

    • records per page – you can specify a number of records you want see per one page
    • sort order – you can specify the records appearance, sorted by selected parameter
    • boolean – by selecting "MATCH ALL OPTIONS" search will get records which match ALL of your selected options, by selecting "MATCH ANY OPTIONS" search will get records which match ANY of your selected options
    • display – you can select "Text Only" and receive all found records in text format (fast) or "Gallery" and receive all found records with thumbnail pictures (slower).

  • Keep Showing items

    Keep showing is an alternative way to keep items on show that you plan to buy. While browsing – checkmark the items you are interested in and select "Keep Showing" from the menu in the bottom of every page where the items appear.

    To stop showing previously selected items, simple click the "stop showing" link.

  • Search Popularity Index

    Generally, the search popularity index is a real time rating for the items, which have been accessed more often than others.

    For example, if Pink Sapphire was viewed today 100 times by 70 people, the ratio will be 100/70=1.4 Search Popularity Index – reflects real time rating for the shown items.

  • Best Sellers Index

    Generally, a number from all the site sales report, selects the Best Sellers. The calculation is based on sales and is updated regularly.

    The top 10 best sellers are updated each hour to reflect sales in the next 24 hours. We hope you find the Best Sellers interesting!

  • Items Availability

    Availability information for each item in our catalogue is listed on that item's detail page. This availability estimate refers to the amount of time it will take us to acquire the item once you have placed your order.

    Here is the equation you should use to determine when you will receive your order:

    (Availability) + (Shipping Time) = Total Delivery Time

    Availability does not take into consideration the amount of time it will take your order to reach you once we have shipped it. Shipping time is dependent upon the shipping method you choose.


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Enter one or more keywords (i.e payment options).

Quick Tips/
  • Item information
    The only information we can give you about a particular item is already displayed on the detail page for that item, however, if you do require more details, please email us at stating the item reference number.
  • Compare Items
    You can compare two or more stones by checkmarking the items you are interested in and select "Compare Items" from the menu at the bottom of every page where the items appear. This will produce the comparison page where you can see the difference more clearly.
  • Save your search
    Save items to your Wish List for later consideration. Saving to Wish List doesn’t cost anything!

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Gemstones for sale: Alexandrite, Garnet, Diamond, Opal, Spinel, Sapphire, Tourmaline, Tanzanite, Tsavorite,
Gemstones by Category: Calibrated, Carving, Closeout, Jewelry, Mixed Lot, Pair, Rough, Single, Best Sellers or Featured Gemstones.
Gemstone education: Colored Gemstones Guide, Gems Library, Gemstone Treatments, Gemstone Glossary, Gems and Astrology,

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