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 Home / Gem Library / Gems and Astrology / Leo March 26, 2025  


Leo ( 24th July–23rd August )
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Opposite Sign: Aquarius
Ruling Planet: Sun

Fixed sign. Leo is enthusiastic, powerful, expansive and creative, generous and extravagant, dogmatic and fixed in opinions. Roars for a good cause. Inwardly possessive of spirituality and deep love.


Ruby is your birthstone. Ruby has been the world's most valued gemstone for thousands of years. Ruby was said to be the most precious of the twelve stones God created when he created all things and this "lord of gems" was placed on Aaron's neck by God's command. Ruby brings you serenity, and protects against injury. Ruby is the anniversary gemstone for the 15th and 40th year of marriage.


Onyx is your zodiac stone. Onyx was very popular with the ancient Greeks and Romans. The name comes from the Greek word onux, which means fingernail. The story goes, that one day Cupid cut the divine fingernails of Venus with an arrowhead while she was sleeping. He left the clippings scattered on the sand and the fates turned them into stone so that no part of the heavenly body would ever perish.


Diamond is your talisman stone. The Diamond is considered the greatest of stones, revered throughout the ages for its great beauty and strength, and also for its powerful positive spiritual and physical influences. The Diamond is said to enhance the wearer with charm and beauty. The ancient Romans believed that the Diamond, when worn on the left arm, next to the skin, would give the wearer bravery and daring. During the Middle Ages Queen Elizabeth I was given a Diamond to ward off the plague.


Rhodolite is your mystical stone. It brings emotional support and helps one take the next step emotionally. Reduces anxiety, balances, and inspires greater understanding and discernment. Assists in maximizing potential.


Rock Crystal is your planet stone. Though not meant to replace traditional medical treatment, Quartz is used for balance and to increase energy. Clear Quartz formed into crystal balls have been used to predict the future since the Middle Ages. The name "Quartz" comes from the Greek word krustallos, meaning ice, because it was thought that Quartz was ice, formed by the gods.

Lucky Charm

Green Garnet (DEMANTOID) is your lucky charm stone.

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Buy at Ruby & Sapphire by Richard W. Hughes
Price: USD 98.00
"This book is surely the best study ever done on the exotic subject of rubies and sapphires..."
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