Gems and Astrology
As early 1400 B.C., people of many
cultures have endowed gemstones with magical properties, believing that certain minerals
contained unique powers.
21th March20th April
Cardinal sign. Born to be a Leader. Aries is active, energetic, excitable, optimistic, impulsive, open to change and new experiences. |
24th September23rd October
Cardinal Sign. Libra is active, artistic, easygoing, peaceable, a prize beauty and harmonious. They are diplomatic, polished and very socially
inclined. |
21st April21st May
Mutable Sign. Very earthy, quiet, affectionate, patient, stable, determined and practical, stubborn and resistant to change. |
24th October22nd November
Fixed Sign. Scorpio is imaginative, passionate and emotional, subtle, persistent, intense, obstinate and unyielding. |
22th May21st June
Dual nature. You can go in many directions. Gemini is lively, energetic, versatile, and intellectual, lives primarily in the mind rather than the
emotions and is extremely adaptable to new situations. |
23rd November21st December
Mutable Sign. Goes at a great gallop. Sagittarius is energetic, ambitious, generous, freedom loving and a seeker of challenge, open to new ideas and
exploration. |
22nd June23rd July
Cardinal Sign. Relates to water. Cancer is receptive, sensitive and imaginative, sympathetic, kind, emotional and possesses an active, shrewd
and intuitive mind. |
22nd December20th January
Cardinal Sign. Highly intuitive. Capricorn is reserved, prudent, patient, uses cunning instead of force, seeks security, is acquisitive, disciplined,
determined and quick to seize opportunity. |
24th July23rd August
Fixed sign. Leo is enthusiastic, powerful, expansive and creative, generous and extravagant, dogmatic and fixed in opinions. Roars for a good cause.
Inwardly possessive of spirituality and deep love. |
21st January19th February
Fixed Sign. Water, water everywhere. Aquarius is assertive, independent, progressive, analytical, original and inventive, and has strong likes and
dislikes and a very firm opinion. |
24th August23rd September
Mutable Sign. A total perfectionist. Virgo is reserved, modest, practical, discriminating and industrious, analytical and painstaking, seeking to know
and understand. |
20th February20th March
Mutable Sign. Very sensitive. Pisces is receptive, intuitive and emotional, imaginative, romantic, impressionable and mystical, adaptable and very
changeable. |
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