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 Home / Help / FAQ / Frequently Asked Questions March 26, 2025  

Order Delivery Help

Frequently Asked Questions

A lot of questions are covered in the sections below or in the help topics on the right hand side. Please review them before writing to us.

  • How should I pay for the goods and what are my payment options?

    You can pay with Visa and MasterCard. We also accept checks, money orders and wire transfer (telegraphic transfer or TT).

    Click here, to learn more about payment options accepted at

  • I enjoyed looking through your web site. The prices shown are considerably lower than retail, how can you assure me that I will receive top quality stones?

    Every stone cannot be the very best. However, every purchase will represent good value commensurate with the quality. Our gems are available in a wide range of colors, qualities, shapes and sizes. If you don't see it on line, send us an e-mail. We may be able to help.

    Click here, to see our Trading Pledge.

  • Why are your African rubies so inexpensive?

    Most jewelers would be shocked at the low prices for our rubies. Although Tanzanian and Burmese rubies are the same in terms of chemical and physical properties, they do differ noticeably in color and hue. Burmese rubies are usually a more pinkish red color in most kinds of light. The Tanzanian rubies are a darker but still bright red in incandescent light as well as in late afternoon light. In morning light they are darker and somewhat garnet like in color.

    Tanzanian rubies are usually very clean and set up quite well. The price of our African rubies is on the average approximately 75% less than the price of Burmese rubies of equal size. Most rubies have been heated to enhance the color. This treatment is generally excepted in the trade and most labs would classify these stones as natural rubies. In case the stone is more violet or brownish than it is red, it would be called a natural fancy sapphire.

  • Are any of your stones synthetic or created?

    All of our stones are 100% natural – no created or synthetic stones. For more information see Trading Pledge and Third Party Certification.

  • How do I know the stone is what you claim it to be?

    A certificate from either of these gem labs is available for an additional cost: AIGS (Asian Institute of Gemological Sciences) or Tokyo Gemlab. Arrangements for GIA or AGL certs are also available. For more information see Third Party Certification.

  • What about treatments?

    Most natural coloured gemstones are treated or enhanced to intensify the colour, diminish imperfections or improve durability. Many corundums have been heated to enhance the color. This treatment is generally accepted in the trade. Some of our tourmalines and blue zircons have also been heated and the resulting color is permanent. For more information see Gem Library.

  • Do you participate in any Gem Shows?

    Yes, we display at the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show as well as at the Bangkok Show (Thailand). In the U.S.A we display at the Holiday Inn Broadway under the name of DW Enterprises. At the Holiday Inn, (mezzanine (1) gemstone row 3 & 4).

  • How long will it take to ship the stones and what is the process involved?

    Upon receipt of payment your order will be shipped, and you will receive email notification that your purchased items have gone out. All our prices are FOB location displayed in the item description.

    To find out when you will receive an item, you need to consider the availability of the item you have ordered and the shipping option you selected: (Availability) + (Dispatch Time) = Total Delivery Time

    Click here, to learn more about shipping options at

  • Is my credit card safe?

    Absolutely! In fact, it’s safer to use your credit card over the Internet than in a restaurant or department store. servers use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), an encryption technology that works with Netscape Navigator, Microsoft Internet Explorer and AOL's browser so that only's computers read a buyer's personal information.

    If you still aren't convinced, take comfort in this – in the unlikely event that someone makes unauthorized charges on a credit card because of an transaction, the cardholder will simply not be held liable. If you would like more information about our credit card security policy, please read about our Security Statement.

    We also give you a choice of transaction options when making your purchase. We can process your credit card immediately for instant approval. Which will expedite transfer of funds and minimize the delay in shipping your purchases. Or, there's always the telephone and fax. Place your order through the website, and then give us a call and we will take your credit card number and verify the details of your order.

  • What about insurance?

    Our insurance covers loss of goods on arrival and during transit from Multicolor Gems ( office to your delivery address and we charge 1 USD + 1% of the total goods value. Simply select Insurance Option in your Shopping Cart and click "UPDATE CART" button to recalculate your order.

    For more information see Delivery Insurance and Using the Shopping Cart.

  • What information is required on the order form?

    Like ordering from a traditonal catalog, we need the following information to fulfill an order that you want shipped to yourself:

    • Your complete name (first and last)
    • The street address to which the order is shipped
    • The city, state and/or country to which the order is shipped
    • Your zip code, if applicable
    • Your phone or fax number
    • Your email address
    • The quantity of the items you’ve selected
    • The preferred method of delivery
    • A valid method of payment

    For more information see How to Complete The Order Checkout? and Privacy Policy.

  • How do I know if you received my order?

    After you click "CONFIRM THIS ORDER" button, you should receive a confirmation page with a order refence number on it. If you do not get a confirmation number, you should see a message at the top of the order form indicating why the order could not be processed. Correct the problem and click "CONFIRM THIS ORDER" again to send the revised information.

    We will also send you the Order Confrimation e-mail, with your order details and order reference number.

    For more information see How to Complete The Order Checkout?

  • Why is my credit card number not being accepted?

    Most likely, you selected a method of payment that differed from the card number you entered. For instance, you might have selected Visa as your method of payment and then accidentally entered the credit card number from your MasterCard. You also may have entered an extra digit in the credit card number. Please check to make sure you entered the card number correctly and try again.

  • Why do I have to include my phone number and the phone number of the person to whom I want to ship my order?

    The phone numbers allow us to contact you if there's ever a question about your order. In addition, the shipping companies that uses require the phone number of the intended recipient of the package so that they can contact them if there is any problem with the delivery.

  • What will you do with the information I give you? Can I be certain that you won't share that information with any other individual or organization?

    We understand the value of keeping your personal information private, and we have designed with controls that let you choose the level of communication you receive and the amount of information you disclose. Please review our Privacy Policy for more information.


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Top Questions/
  • Do you have any LAB stones?
    No, all our stones are 100% natural.
  • Is it possible to combine the shipment to reduce shipping costs?
    Yes, all merchandise will be combined in one shipment automatically. In case you’d like us to wait for more purchases, use your account or inform us by e-mail.
  • Do your shipping charges change depending on the destination?
    No, the shipping charges are the same for any destination.
  • I won your items on the Auction, how do I pay?
    Click here and follow easy on-screen instructions.
  • I forgot my password
    Click here to receive your password within a few minutes.

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Gemstones for sale: Alexandrite, Garnet, Diamond, Opal, Spinel, Sapphire, Tourmaline, Tanzanite, Tsavorite,
Gemstones by Category: Calibrated, Carving, Closeout, Jewelry, Mixed Lot, Pair, Rough, Single, Best Sellers or Featured Gemstones.
Gemstone education: Colored Gemstones Guide, Gems Library, Gemstone Treatments, Gemstone Glossary, Gems and Astrology,

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