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 Home / Step-by-Step Search: March 26, 2025  

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You can search 12249 gemstones in 8 categories.

Step 1: Please select at least one gemstone category and/or variety:

Calibrated Carving
Closeout Jewelry
Mixed Lot Pair
Rough Single
Afghanite Lapis
Agate Malaia Garnet
Akoya Pearl Mali Garnet
Alexandrite Mawsitsit
Amber Meteorite
Amblygonite Moonstone
Amethyst Morganite
Ametrine Musgravite
Anatase Opal
Andalusite Painite
Apatite Pargasite
Aquamarine Parisite
Beryl Peridot
Chalcedony Petalite
Chondrodite Pezzottaite
Chrome Tourmaline Phenakite
Chrysoberyl Pollucite
Chrysoberyl Cats Eye Poudretteite
Chrysoprase Prehnite
Citrine Quartz
Color Change Garnet Rhodizite
Color Change Sapphire Rhodochrosite
Danburite Rhodolite
Demantoid Rose Quartz
Diamond Rubelite
Diaspore Ruby
Dinosaur Bone Sapphire
Diopside Sapphirine
Edenite Scapolite
Emerald Scheelite
Enstatite Serendibite
Epidote Sillimanite
Fire Agate South Sea Pearl
Fluorite Spessartite
Freshwater Pearl Sphalerite
Goshenite Sphene
Grandidierite Spinel
Grossularite Star Sapphire
Hambergite Stibiotantalite
Hauyne Taaffeite
Hemimorphite Tahitian Pearl
Herderite Tanzanite
Hessonite Topaz
Idocrase Tourmaline
Iolite Triplite
Jadeite Tsavorite
Jeremejevite Turquoise
Kornerupine Vayrynenite
Kunzite Zircon
Search Popularity Index/
Variety Name: Hits Index
Going Down Amber -38261 -0.7%
average price USD 183.13 per item
Going Down Sapphire -4035 -0.1%
average price USD 399.34 per item
Going Down Parisite -2531 -0.3%
average price USD 122.67 per item
Going Down Anatase -38525 -4.6%
average price USD 221.50 per item
Going Up Alexandrite +791 +0.1%
average price USD 2002.94 per item

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  • You need to specify at least one search option.
  • Records per page – you can specify a number of records you want see per one page.
  • Make search faster – use “Text Only” option.
  • Sort your results and limit your search by using boolean “Match ALL options“.
  • Save items to your Wish List for later consideration. Saving to Wish List doesn’t cost anything!

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Gemstones for sale: Alexandrite, Garnet, Diamond, Opal, Spinel, Sapphire, Tourmaline, Tanzanite, Tsavorite,
Gemstones by Category: Calibrated, Carving, Closeout, Jewelry, Mixed Lot, Pair, Rough, Single, Best Sellers or Featured Gemstones.
Gemstone education: Colored Gemstones Guide, Gems Library, Gemstone Treatments, Gemstone Glossary, Gems and Astrology,

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